tisdag 26 maj 2009

En hälsning från Tyskland! Junic f-07

Dear People,
my name is Sabine Soyka from Germany . I bought Junic a son of your stallion Curioso last year . I am very happy with him. He is a wonderful horse and very tall( 163,00 m) at the moment. Perhaps you can send me some more pictures of his father Curioso or some links, where I can see a video of him. I would really like to see more of his movement.
I am very happy with Junic. He is very beautiful and has a good character. He is honest and brave.
I am looking forward to hear from you
Best Regards

Sabine Soyka

Curiosos son u.NSV travare, en sk Karolinerhäst, exporterad till tysk barockryttare. I år föds nästa...i Finland =)

2 kommentarer:

carina sa...

Vilken otroligt vacker huvud bild.

Crossroad Stables sa...

Ja visst är han lite charmig...
